Work Based Learning

What is Work Based Learning?

  • Work-based learning is an authentic learning experience that allows students to explore their career goals, interests, and abilities while applying their academic and technical knowledge and skills in a real-world context. 
  • Work-based Learning activities are planned and supervised by instructional staff in collaboration with business, industry, or community partners. 
  • High quality work-based learning will provide effective and equitable experiences to empower all students to become confident workers and culturally competent citizens of New York State.


  The Southern Westchester BOCES Work-Based Learning Program provides students opportunities to apply classroom learning to workplace experiences . The Work-Based Learning Program has been designed to promote positive work experiences and students’ success in both post-secondary education and careers. 

Our students can benefit from many experiences, including:

  • Work Experience - An opportunity for a student to develop and demonstrate professional and occupational skills.
  • Internship - A student has the opportunity to learn by doing real work and being productively engaged in the workplace.
  • Guest Speaker/Live Demonstration - A group of students view a presentation to learn about the speaker's industry.
  • Job Fair - Business partners from a variety of companies come together at SW BOCES to share information about job opportunities.
  • Workplace Tour - Small groups of students visit a workplace, learn about the business, meet employees
  • Informational Interview - A student formally interviews an employer-partner about his or her industry, education, career path and chosen profession.
  • Job Shadowing - A student is paired with an employee and observes the employee for the work day.
  • Mock Interview - Students are paired one-on-one with a business partner who interviews each student as if he/she were being interviewed for a paid position.
  • Workplace Challenge - Small groups of students are engaged in a problem-solving exercise issued by an employer.

If you  would like more information about Work-Based Learning feel free to contact me.

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Tracy Reeves
Work Based Learning Coordinator
65 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595                                                        

914-761-3400 ext. 2305

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